Rufforth Autojumble open OPEN open SATURDAY 5th April 2025… Always first Saturday of every month..
Rufforth Auto Jumble is a family run business and has been established for over 30 years.
The auto jumble takes place every first Saturday of the month all year round, we open the doors at 8am for the public while sellers are welcome anytime between 6am – 9am.
We have a total of 350 pitches with up to 3000 buyers attending. Our on site facilities include a 5 star cafe, disabled parking and new large toilet facilities.
Drive in pitches, indoors and out start from only £17.
Double depth pitches are also available from £25.
Admission is only £2 per person.
Dogs are welcomed, however they must be kept on a lead at all times.
Rufforth Park Ltd, Wetherby Road, Rufforth, York, YO23 3QH. E: T: 01904 738 620
Rufforth Auto Jumble is situated just outside the city of York with good motorway links from the M1 and A1.
To find out about Rufforth Car Boot please visit our site here.
No rubbish at all to be left. No smoking allowed indoors. You must keep your stall behind the white lines at all times.
1. No illegal or stolen goods to be sold.
2. No hot or cold takeaway foods or Coca Cola and Tango Products to be sold. Any food product must be checked by staff before selling.
3. You can not sell any Replica’s, Copies, Pirate Videos, Tapes and Disk’s.
4. No Firearms, Livestock, Pornographic material or Alcohol to be sold.
5. We accept no responsibility for your stalls, property or yourselves or servants.6. No booking required.
7. Please note we support Police, Trading Standards, Health and Safety etc. and give them our full co-operation.
8. Pitches are allocated at our sole discretion and this licence does not give the licensee exclusive possession of any part of the markets.
gates open at 6am for sellers, arrive before 9am. (no booking required)
spaces allocated “first come first served basis”
gates open 8am onwards, time to grab some bargains!
finishing time depends on the weather but usually 1pm onwards
public admission £2 per person (age 12 and overs no concessions)
sellers outdoors:
£17 per pitch cars/small vans,
£25 large vans/trailers etc.
sellers inside:
£17 per pitch (8ft frontage x 18ft depth aprox) in middle and isles of the halls.
£35 side units (15ft frontage x 10ft depth) on edge of building, electric and own parking space directly behind your stall.
no bookings required and allocated at our discretion..